If you have registered for an ECHO-Korea event via your own web account, you can view your event registration history stored on this website. From your event registration history, you can download the invoice/receipt PDF file for the event that you had registered for, or you can correct your personal information that was entered incorrectly. Here is how to access your registration history.

  1. First login to the website with your username;
  2. Find [User Menu] at the left side of the web page;
  3. Click on [Your Event Registration] menu item, and it will bring up your event registration history; (See the following screen capture.)

  4. If you need an invoice or a receipt of your registration for an event, find the invoice number link for the event, by which you can download the invoice PDF file.
  5. If you click on the event name link, you can view or change your registration detail information. If you find any typos in the invoice, you can change them first before downloading the invoice PDF file.


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