If you have a user account of ECHO-Korea website, you can

  • Register for an event like YKAA summer camp
  • Receive latest updates from ECHO-Korea website (once a week at most)
  • View your event registration history and download PDF invoice of a registered event
  • Has a permission to write comments to some article categories

If you don't have a user account on ECHO-Korea website, please create your own web account first.

Creating a User Account

  1. Find [Login Form] box on the left side of a web page, and click on "Create an account" as shown in the following screenshot. Then you will get "User Registration" form on the right side.

    You should enter your information accurately. "Username" will be your login ID name, which cannot be duplicated with other existing usernames.
  2. You will get an email message with a link to activate your account. If you have activated your account, your user account registration process is complete.
  3. If you haven't received a user account activation email for two days since you created an account, please contact ECHO-Korea.


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