1. Theme: From Bibimbap to Me: Navigating Korea and Korean American in the U.S
  2. Date: July 24th ~ 26th(from Wednesday to Friday)
  3. Time: 11 a. m. ~ 5 p.m. 
  4. Venue: San Jose Korean Presbyterian Church,  770 Lucerne Dr. Sunnyvale CA 94085
  5. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  6. Target Age: 4th-12th Grade (for the 2024~2025 School Year)
  7. Capacity: 50 (first come, first served)
  8. Registration Fee: $200 ($180 for early bird by May 31st) → workbooks, cultural activity materials, camp-shirt included
  9. Camp Application: On-line Registration at www.echo-korea.org, Online Payment with Credit Card or PayPal.
  10. We recommend an online payment (credit card, PayPal) over an offline payment (a personal check) for registration
  11. If you chose an offline payment, please print out the invoice of registration and write a check payable to "ECHO-Korea" with the registration invoice printed out to the following address: ECHO-Korea, 12759 Plymouth Dr., Saratoga, CA 95070
  12. Registration starts on April 1st, 2024.


2024 YKAA Camp 안내

[From Bibimbap to Me: Navigating Korea in the U.S.]

  • 일시: 2024년 7월 24일, 25일, 26일 (수~금요일)
  • 시간: 오전 11시부터 오후 5시까지 
  • 장소: 산호세한인장로교회 770 Lucerne Dr. Sunnyvale CA 94085 
  • 문의: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 모집 학년: 4학년 ~12 학년 (2024~2025학년도 기준)
  • 모집 인원: 선착순 50명
  • 캠프 등록비: $200 ($180 for early bird by May 31st→ 등록비에 캠프 티셔츠, 워크북, 역사문화 활동 자료 등이 포함됨
  • 등록 및 결제 방법: ECHO-Korea 홈페이지(www.echo-korea.org) 에서 온라인 등록 및 크레딧 카드 혹은  PayPal 결제. 수표 수신 주소: ECHO-Korea, 12759 Plymouth Dr., Saratoga, CA 95070

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