2017년 YKAA Camp 리더들은 리더 과제로 6.25 국군 귀환 용사 유영복의 북한 탈출기로, 북가주에 거주하는 한인 2세 Paul Kim이 영어로 번역한 ”Tears of Blood: A Korean POW's Fight for Freedom, Family, and Justice (운명의 두 날)”을 읽고 독후감을 쓰고 번역자에게 묻고 싶은 질문을 받았습니다. 리더 학생들이 보낸 질문을 정리하여 Paul Kim 번역자에게 보냈고 동영상으로 답을 보내왔습니다. 

The YKAA camp leaders read “Tears of Blood: A Korean POW's Fight for Freedom, Family, and Justice” translated by Paul Kim and asked these questions to the translator, Mr. Paul Kim. 

  1. Please introduce yourself. What do (did) you study? How did you study Korean language and have enough Korean proficiency to translate the book?
  2. How did you feel as you learned about Young-Bok Yoo’s and the POW’s escape?
  3. Why did you choose to translate this particular book?
  4. What would you do to increase awareness of the South Korean POWs who were never released from North Korea?
  5. If you were to meet Young-Bok Yoo after translating his book, what would you say to him?
  6. How do you think that we should approach the problem of separated families in the North and South?
  7. What can we do as Korean Americans living in the U.S. to be informed and aware of the situation between the North and South?
  8. Many readers believe that this book should be a part of the reading curriculum in American high schools. Do you agree and how can Yoo’s story benefit the public?
  9. What do you think you would have done in a POW’s position?



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